Please see GoogleScholar for an up-to-date publication list.
PDFs of all publications are available upon request
32. Cox, K.D., Looby, A., Davies, H., Murchy, K.A., Spriel, B., Rice, A.N., Juanes, F., and Côté, I.M. 2024. Military Training in the Canadian Pacific: Taking Aim at Critical Habitat or Sufficient Risk Mitigation? Marine Policy. 160: 105945. Link to Policy Brief.
31. Looby, A., Christine, E., Bravo, S., Cox, K.D., Davies, H.L., Di Iorio, L., Juanes, F., Martin, C.W., Mooney, A., Radford, C., Reynolds, L.K., Rice, A., Riera, A., Rountree, R., Spriel, B., Stanley, J., Vela, S., and Parsons, Miles. 2023. Global Inventory of Species Categorized by Known Underwater Sonifery. Scientific Data. 10: 892.
30. Looby, A., Bravo, S., Juanes, F., Rountree, R., Riera, A., Davies, H.L., Spriel, B., Vela, S., Reynolds, L.K., Martin, C.W., Matwin, S., and Cox, K.D., 2023. The Importance of Context in the Acoustic Behaviors of Marine, Subtropical Fish Species. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America. 154: 3252-3258. Species Issue on Fish Bioacoustics: Hearing and Sound Communication.
29. Engleman, A*., Cox, K.D*., and Brooke, S. 2023. 3D Reconstructions Reveal Structural Differences Between Live and Dead Coral: Implications for Reef Ecology. PeerJ. *Authors contributed equally.
28. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Dosso, S., and Juanes, F. 2023. Identification of Fish Sounds in the Wild Using a Set of Portable Audio-Video Arrays. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14: 2165-2186.
27. Looby, A., Vela, S., Cox, K.D., Riera, A., Bravo, S., Davies, H.L., Rountree, R., Reynolds, L.K., Martin, C.W., Matwin, S. and Juanes, F., 2023. FishSounds Version 1.0: A website for the compilation of fish sound production information and recordings. Ecological Informatics. 101953.
26. Covernton, G.A., Cox, K.D., Fleming, W.L., Buirs, B.M., Davies, H.L., Juanes, F., Dudas, S.E. and Dower, J.F., 2022. Large size (> 100‐μm) microplastics are not biomagnifying in coastal marine food webs of British Columbia, Canada. Ecological Applications. e2654.
25. Looby, A., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Reynolds, K.L., and Martin, W.C. 2022. A Global Review of Sound Production in Fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 581-595
24. Schang, K., Cox, K.D., and J Trant, J.A. 2022. Habitation sites influence tree community assemblages in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 791047
23. Cox, K.D., Woods, M.B., and Reimchen, E.T., 2021. Regional heterogeneity in coral species richness and hue reveals novel global predictors of reef fish intra‑family diversity. Scientific Reports. 11: 18275.
22. Covernton, G.A., Davies, H.L., Cox, K.D., El-Sabaawi, R., Juanes, F., Dudas, S.E. and Dower, J.F., 2021. A Bayesian analysis of the factors determining microplastics ingestion in fishes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 125405.
21. Nikolich, K., Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Cox, K.D., Black, M., Morris, C. and Juanes, F., 2021. The sources and prevalence of anthropogenic noise in Rockfish Conservation Areas with implications for marine reserve planning. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164: 112017.
20. Davies, H.L., Robb, H., Cox, K.D., Covernton, G.A., Eastham, T.M., Alexander, H.J. and Juanes, F., 2021. A preliminary analysis of ingestion and egestion of microplastic fibres in the acorn barnacle Balanus glandula. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 151589: 542-543.
19. Whalen A.M., Millard-Martin, R.B., Cox, K.D., Lemay, A.M., and Paulay, G. 2020. Poleward range expansion of invasive parasite, Orthione griffenis Markham 2004, confirmed by establishment in Central British Columbia, Canada. BioInvasions Records.
18. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Mireault, C., Dosso, S. and Juanes, F. 2020. Fishcam: A low-cost open source autonomous camera of aquatic research. HardwareX. E00110
17. Claar, D.C., Tietjen, K., Cox, K.D., R.D. Gates, and J.K. Baum. 2020. Chronic Disturbance Modulates Symbiont Beta Diversity on Coral Reefs. Scientific Reports. 10: 4492
16. Osgood, G.J., Timmer, B., Cox, K.D., Juanes, F., and Baum, J.K. 2020. Fractionation of δ15N and δ13C in the embryos of the ovoviviparous bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus. Journal of Fish Biology.
15. Cox, K.D., Davies, H.L., Davidson, K., Gerwing, T.G., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2020. Shellfish Subsidies Along the Pacific Coast of North America. Ecography. 43: 668-681.
14. Gerwing, T.G., Cox, K.D., Allen Gerwing, A.M., Campbell, L., MacDonald, T., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2020. Varying Intertidal Invertebrate Taxonomic Resolution Does Not Influence Ecological Findings. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 232:106516.
13. Covernton, G*., and Cox, K.D*., Commentary on: Abundance and distribution of microplastics within surface sediments of a key shellfish growing region of Canada. 2019. Plos One. 14: e0225945. *Authors contributed equally.
12. Cox, K.D., Gerwing, T.G., MacDonald, T., Hessing-Lewis, M., Millard-Martin, B., Command, J.R., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2019. Infaunal Communities Responses to Ancient Clam Gardens. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 2362-2373.
11. Cox, K.D., Covernton, G., Davies, H.L., Dower, J., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Human Consumption of Microplastics. 2019. Environmental Science and Technology. 53: 7068-7074. Altmetric Score ~2600, F1000 Recommended, highly cited research designation.
10. Holden, J., Collicutt, B., Covernton, G., Cox, K.D., Lancaster, D., Dudas, S.E., Ban, N., and Jacob, A. 2019. Synergies on the coast: Challenges facing shellfish aquaculture development on the central and north coast of British Columbia. Marine Policy. 101: 108-117.
9. Cox, K.D., Brennan, L., Gerwing, T.G., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2018. Sound the Alarm: A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Aquatic Noise on Fish Behavior and Physiology. Global Change Biology.
8. Gerwing, T.G., Campbell, L., Allen Gerwing, A.M., Allen, S., Cox, K.D., Rogers, M., Gray, O., Drewes, M., and Juanes, F., 2018. Impact of Logging on Intertidal Infaunal Communities within the Kitimat River Estuary. Journal of Natural History. 52: 2833-2855.
7. Gerwing, T.G., Allen Gerwing, A.M., MacDonald, T., Cox, K.D., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2018. Assessing the Relationship between Community Dispersion and Disturbance in a Soft-Sediment Ecosystem. Marine Ecology. 39: e12505.
6. Cox, K.D., Black, M., Filip, N., Miller, M., Mohns, K., Mortimor, J., Ricardo, T., Greiter Loerzer, R., Gerwing, T.G., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2017. Community Assessment Techniques and the Implications for Rarefaction and Extrapolation with Hill Numbers. Ecology and Evolution.
5. Gerwing, T.G., Cox, K.D., Allen-Gerwing, A.M., Carr-Harris, C.N., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2017. Depth to the apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD) as a parameter of interest in marine benthic habitat quality models. International Journal of Sediment Research
4. Gerwing, T.G., Allen Gerwing, A.M., Cox, K.D., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2017. Relationship between apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD) depth and environmental variables in soft-sediment habitats. International Journal of Sediment Research
3. Gerwing, T.G., Allen Gerwing, A.M., MacDonald, T., Cox, K.D., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2017. Intertidal soft-sediment community does not respond to disturbance as postulated by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Journal of Sea Research. 129: 22-28
2. Gerwing, T.G., and Cox, K.D. 2017. Erosion of Trust in Government Consultation will Impede the Creation of Environmental Policy. Marine Policy. 83: 126-127.
1. Reimchen T.E and Cox, K.D. 2016. Differential temperature preferences of vertebral phenotypes in Gasterosteus. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 94: 1–5
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Looby, A., Murchy, K.A., Juanes, F., and Côté, I.M. In Review. Habitat-Mediate Soundscape Conservation in Marine Ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Millard-Martin, B., Black, M., Hessing-Lewis, M., Smith, F.S., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. In Review. Ancient and Contemporary Shellfish Cultivation Practices Bolster Bivalve Communities and Diversity-Biomass Relationships. People and Nature.
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Millard-Martin, B., Black, M., Hessing-Lewis, M., Smith, F.S., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Submitted. Ancestral and Contemporary Intertidal Mariculture Structures Marine Biodiversity. Nature Communications
Editorial Review Publications
Attridge, M.C., Cox, K.D., Maher, B., Gross, S., Lim, G.E., Kattler, R.K., and Côté, I.M. 2024. Studying Kelp Forests of Today to Forecast Ecosystems of the Future. Fisheries. 49(4): 181-187.
Spriel, B., Davies, H., Looby, A., Shafer, H., Vela, S., Juanes, F., and Cox, K.D. 2024. Fish Sounds as an Effective Tool in Marine Science Communication. Fisheries. 49(1): 28-34.
Cox, K.D., Looby, A., Vela, S., Riera, A., Bravo, S., Davies, H.L., Rountree, R., Spriel, B., Reynolds, L.K., Martin, C.W., Matwin, S. and Juanes, F. 2023. FishSounds Version 1.1: Data Archive, User Experience, and Online Resources. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 1-12.
Looby, A., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Riera, A., Vela, S., Davies, H.L., Reynolds, L.K., and Martin, C.W. 2023. Fish Sound Production Research: Historical Practices and Ongoing Challenges. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 1-20.
Covernton, G.A., Cox, K.D., Fleming, W.L., Buirs, B.M., Davies, H.L., Juanes, F., Dudas, S.E. and Dower, J.F., 2022. Do larger microplastics biomagnify in the digestive tracts of coastal marine animals? The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. BES22001
Holmes, K., Cox, K.D., Cline, A., Hatch, M., Black, M., Salomon, A., Lepofsky. D., Nicole, S., and Dudas, S.E.2020. Ancient Ecology: The Quadra Island Clam Gardens. Fisheries. 45: 151-156.
Murchy, K.A., Davies, H., Shafer, H., Cox, K., Nikolich, K., Juanes, J. 2019. Impacts of Noise on the Behavior and Physiology of Marine Invertebrates: A Meta-Analysis. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 37: 040002
Cox, K.D., 2017. The Unique Ecology of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. Fisheries. 42(10): 519-525.
Chalifour, L., Black, M., Cox, K.D., Schroeder, S., Juanes, F. 2017. Review of "Ecology of Salmonids in Estuaries around the World: Adaptations, Habitats, and Conservation" by Colin D. Levings. Fish and Fisheries. 18: 790-791.
Cox, K.D. and Bright, J. 2017. Raja Ampat: A Biodiversity Hot Spot and the Future of Marine Conservation. Fisheries. 42(9): 462-467.
Cox, D.K., Brennan, L., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2016. Assessing the effect of aquatic noise on fish behavior and physiology: a meta-analysis approach. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 27: 010024.fisheries_cover_kelp_forests_2024.pdf
Sopinka, N. and Cox, K.D. 2016. Back Page Photo Series: Boundaries. Fisheries. 41: 659-660.
Journal Cover Photos
Attridge, M.C., Cox, K.D., Maher, B., Gross, S., Lim, G.E., Kattler, R.K., and Côté, M.I. 2024. Fisheries. Journal Cover. 49(4).
Cox, K.D., 2018. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 10 Year Anniversary Journal Cover. 10 (4).
Cox, K.D., 2018. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 10 Year Anniversary Journal Cover. 10 (1).
Cox, K.D., 2018. Fisheries. Journal Cover. 43 (2).fisheries_-_2024_-__-_fisheries_volume_49_number_4_april_2024.jpg
Cox, K.D. and Bright, J. 2017. Fisheries. Journal Cover. 42 (9).
Data Repositories
Looby, A., Riera, A., Vela, S., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Reynolds, K.L., and Martin, W.C. 2021. FishSounds Website Data Repository. Dataverse.
Cox, K.D., Woods, M.B., and Reimchen, E.T., 2021. Coral species richness, coral hue, and reef fish richness across 74 ecoregions within four oceanic basins. Figshare.
Looby, A., Riera, A., Vela, S., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Reynolds, K.L., and Martin, W.C. 2021. FishSounds.
Technical Reports
Cox, K.D., 2021. Ecological Marine Ecosystem Services Report. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 24 pp.
Collicutt, B., Covernton, G., Cox, K.D., Holden, J., Dudas, S.E. 2016. British Columbia Shellfish Aquaculture and Ecosystem Services: A Review. 59 pp.
Cox, K.D., Mohns, K., Dudas, S.E. 2015. Intertidal Biodiversity Annual Report. Hakai Institute & Ecological Interaction Research Program. 86 pp.
Invited Seminars
Cox, K.D. Digging for Insight: The Ecology of Walled Beaches. Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Guardian Gathering, Quadra Island, May 16, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Sound Marine Management: Integrating Marine Bioacoustics into Habitat Protection, Spatial Planning, and Policy. Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, March 30, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Unravelling Ocean Noise: Fish Sounds, Noise Pollution, and Managing Soundscapes. Kamloops Naturalist Club. Kamloops, British Columbia, March 10, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Sound Management: Integrating Bioacoustics into the Conservation of Canada’s Aquatic Ecosystems. Delta Nature Society. Vancouver, British Columbia, March 7, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Integrating Bioacoustics into the Conservation of Canada’s Aquatic Ecosystems. Nature Vancouver. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 14, 2022.
Cox, K.D. Unravelling Ocean Noise: Insights into Fish Sounds, Noise Pollution, and Managing Soundscapes. Simon Fraser University, Les Écologistes. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 7, 2022.
Cox, K.D*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Intertidal Resource Cultivation over Millennia Structures Coastal Biodiversity. University of Victoria, Department of Biology Seminar Series, December 10, 2021
Cox, K.D*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Coastal Shellfish: Cultivation, Marine Subsidies, and Implications for Nearshore Biodiversity. Simon Fraser University, Les Écologistes. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 16, 2020.
Cox, K.D.*, Covernton, G., Davies, H.L., Dower, J., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Human Consumption of Microplastics. NOAA Science Seminar Series. September 19, 2019.
Cox, K.D. Integrating 3D Habitat Models into Marine Ecosystem Assessments. Smithsonian Marine Station, Seminar Series. Fort Pierce, Florida, November 13, 2018.
Conference Presentations
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Looby, A, Attridge, C., Bickell, A., Rice, A., Murchy, K.A., Mouy, X., Juanes, F., and Côté, I.M 2023. Marine habitats conserve ocean soundscapes through the attenuation of noise pollution. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. Penang, Malaysia, July 2-6, 2023
Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K., Qualley, J., Dosso, S. and Juanes, F., 2022. Comparison of three portable volumetric arrays to localize and identify fish sounds in the wild. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. Denver, Colorado, May 22-27, 2022
Looby, A.*, Cox, K.D., Gonzalez Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Martin, C.W., Reynolds, L.K. The Ecological Importance and Remote Sensing Applications of Fish Sounds. North Florida Marine Science Symposium, St. Augustine, FL. January 24, 2020.
Looby, A.*, Cox, K.D., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Martin, C.W., Reynolds, L.K. A global review of tested and reported sound production in fishes. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference, Mobile, AL. November 4, 2019.
Mouy, X.*, Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S. Identifying fish sounds of British Columbia with an autonomous audio and video array. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. San Diego, California, 2–6 December 2019.
Mouy, X.*, Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S. Identifying fish sounds of British Columbia with an autonomous audio and video array. Acoustical Society of America. PICES Annual Meeting. Victoria, British Columbia, October 16-27, 2019.
Murchy, K.*, Davies, H., Shafer, H., Cox, K.D., Nikolich, K., and Juanes, F. Impacts of Noise on The Behavior and Physiology of Marine Invertebrates: A Meta-Analysis. The International Conferences on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Den Haag, The Netherlands, July 7-12, 2019.
Cox, K.D.*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Community Assessment Techniques and Implications for Diversity Indices and Species Accumulation Curves. Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution Meeting 2017. Victoria, British Columbia. May 7 - 11, 2017.
Cox, K.D., Brennan, L., and Juanes, F.* The Effects of Anthropogenic and Biological Noise on Fish Behaviour and Physiology: a meta-analysis. Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution Meeting 2017. Victoria, British Columbia. May 7 - 11, 2017.
MacLennan, E.*, Cox, K.D., Brittain, S., Nameth, B., and Juanes, F. Assessing the Behavioural Response of the Plainfin Midshipman to Anthropogenic Noise, and its Dependence on Habitat Complexity. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, British Columbia, February 24-26, 2017.
Cox, K.D.*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. A Comparison of Substrate Ecosystem Assessment Techniques and the Implications from Commonly Used Biodiversity Metrics. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, British Columbia, February 24-26, 2017.
Cox, K.D., Brennan, L., MacLennan, E., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F.* Assessing the effect of marine noise on fish behaviour and physiology: a case study and meta-analysis approach. The International Conferences on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin, Ireland, July 10-16, 2016.
Cox, K.D.*, Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. Assessing the effects of contemporary and traditional shellfish aquaculture on marine biodiversity. The Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13-15th, 2016.
Cox, K.D.*, Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2016. The effects of shellfish aquaculture and First Nations clam gardens on species diversity and abundance. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, British Columbia, February 24-26, 2016. *Presenting Author
*Presenting Author
Please see GoogleScholar for an up-to-date publication list.
PDFs of all publications are available upon request
32. Cox, K.D., Looby, A., Davies, H., Murchy, K.A., Spriel, B., Rice, A.N., Juanes, F., and Côté, I.M. 2024. Military Training in the Canadian Pacific: Taking Aim at Critical Habitat or Sufficient Risk Mitigation? Marine Policy. 160: 105945. Link to Policy Brief.
31. Looby, A., Christine, E., Bravo, S., Cox, K.D., Davies, H.L., Di Iorio, L., Juanes, F., Martin, C.W., Mooney, A., Radford, C., Reynolds, L.K., Rice, A., Riera, A., Rountree, R., Spriel, B., Stanley, J., Vela, S., and Parsons, Miles. 2023. Global Inventory of Species Categorized by Known Underwater Sonifery. Scientific Data. 10: 892.
30. Looby, A., Bravo, S., Juanes, F., Rountree, R., Riera, A., Davies, H.L., Spriel, B., Vela, S., Reynolds, L.K., Martin, C.W., Matwin, S., and Cox, K.D., 2023. The Importance of Context in the Acoustic Behaviors of Marine, Subtropical Fish Species. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America. 154: 3252-3258. Species Issue on Fish Bioacoustics: Hearing and Sound Communication.
29. Engleman, A*., Cox, K.D*., and Brooke, S. 2023. 3D Reconstructions Reveal Structural Differences Between Live and Dead Coral: Implications for Reef Ecology. PeerJ. *Authors contributed equally.
28. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Dosso, S., and Juanes, F. 2023. Identification of Fish Sounds in the Wild Using a Set of Portable Audio-Video Arrays. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14: 2165-2186.
27. Looby, A., Vela, S., Cox, K.D., Riera, A., Bravo, S., Davies, H.L., Rountree, R., Reynolds, L.K., Martin, C.W., Matwin, S. and Juanes, F., 2023. FishSounds Version 1.0: A website for the compilation of fish sound production information and recordings. Ecological Informatics. 101953.
26. Covernton, G.A., Cox, K.D., Fleming, W.L., Buirs, B.M., Davies, H.L., Juanes, F., Dudas, S.E. and Dower, J.F., 2022. Large size (> 100‐μm) microplastics are not biomagnifying in coastal marine food webs of British Columbia, Canada. Ecological Applications. e2654.
25. Looby, A., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Reynolds, K.L., and Martin, W.C. 2022. A Global Review of Sound Production in Fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 581-595
24. Schang, K., Cox, K.D., and J Trant, J.A. 2022. Habitation sites influence tree community assemblages in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 791047
23. Cox, K.D., Woods, M.B., and Reimchen, E.T., 2021. Regional heterogeneity in coral species richness and hue reveals novel global predictors of reef fish intra‑family diversity. Scientific Reports. 11: 18275.
22. Covernton, G.A., Davies, H.L., Cox, K.D., El-Sabaawi, R., Juanes, F., Dudas, S.E. and Dower, J.F., 2021. A Bayesian analysis of the factors determining microplastics ingestion in fishes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 125405.
21. Nikolich, K., Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Cox, K.D., Black, M., Morris, C. and Juanes, F., 2021. The sources and prevalence of anthropogenic noise in Rockfish Conservation Areas with implications for marine reserve planning. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164: 112017.
20. Davies, H.L., Robb, H., Cox, K.D., Covernton, G.A., Eastham, T.M., Alexander, H.J. and Juanes, F., 2021. A preliminary analysis of ingestion and egestion of microplastic fibres in the acorn barnacle Balanus glandula. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 151589: 542-543.
19. Whalen A.M., Millard-Martin, R.B., Cox, K.D., Lemay, A.M., and Paulay, G. 2020. Poleward range expansion of invasive parasite, Orthione griffenis Markham 2004, confirmed by establishment in Central British Columbia, Canada. BioInvasions Records.
18. Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Mireault, C., Dosso, S. and Juanes, F. 2020. Fishcam: A low-cost open source autonomous camera of aquatic research. HardwareX. E00110
17. Claar, D.C., Tietjen, K., Cox, K.D., R.D. Gates, and J.K. Baum. 2020. Chronic Disturbance Modulates Symbiont Beta Diversity on Coral Reefs. Scientific Reports. 10: 4492
16. Osgood, G.J., Timmer, B., Cox, K.D., Juanes, F., and Baum, J.K. 2020. Fractionation of δ15N and δ13C in the embryos of the ovoviviparous bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus. Journal of Fish Biology.
15. Cox, K.D., Davies, H.L., Davidson, K., Gerwing, T.G., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2020. Shellfish Subsidies Along the Pacific Coast of North America. Ecography. 43: 668-681.
14. Gerwing, T.G., Cox, K.D., Allen Gerwing, A.M., Campbell, L., MacDonald, T., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2020. Varying Intertidal Invertebrate Taxonomic Resolution Does Not Influence Ecological Findings. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 232:106516.
13. Covernton, G*., and Cox, K.D*., Commentary on: Abundance and distribution of microplastics within surface sediments of a key shellfish growing region of Canada. 2019. Plos One. 14: e0225945. *Authors contributed equally.
12. Cox, K.D., Gerwing, T.G., MacDonald, T., Hessing-Lewis, M., Millard-Martin, B., Command, J.R., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2019. Infaunal Communities Responses to Ancient Clam Gardens. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 2362-2373.
11. Cox, K.D., Covernton, G., Davies, H.L., Dower, J., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Human Consumption of Microplastics. 2019. Environmental Science and Technology. 53: 7068-7074. Altmetric Score ~2600, F1000 Recommended, highly cited research designation.
10. Holden, J., Collicutt, B., Covernton, G., Cox, K.D., Lancaster, D., Dudas, S.E., Ban, N., and Jacob, A. 2019. Synergies on the coast: Challenges facing shellfish aquaculture development on the central and north coast of British Columbia. Marine Policy. 101: 108-117.
9. Cox, K.D., Brennan, L., Gerwing, T.G., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2018. Sound the Alarm: A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Aquatic Noise on Fish Behavior and Physiology. Global Change Biology.
8. Gerwing, T.G., Campbell, L., Allen Gerwing, A.M., Allen, S., Cox, K.D., Rogers, M., Gray, O., Drewes, M., and Juanes, F., 2018. Impact of Logging on Intertidal Infaunal Communities within the Kitimat River Estuary. Journal of Natural History. 52: 2833-2855.
7. Gerwing, T.G., Allen Gerwing, A.M., MacDonald, T., Cox, K.D., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2018. Assessing the Relationship between Community Dispersion and Disturbance in a Soft-Sediment Ecosystem. Marine Ecology. 39: e12505.
6. Cox, K.D., Black, M., Filip, N., Miller, M., Mohns, K., Mortimor, J., Ricardo, T., Greiter Loerzer, R., Gerwing, T.G., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2017. Community Assessment Techniques and the Implications for Rarefaction and Extrapolation with Hill Numbers. Ecology and Evolution.
5. Gerwing, T.G., Cox, K.D., Allen-Gerwing, A.M., Carr-Harris, C.N., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2017. Depth to the apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD) as a parameter of interest in marine benthic habitat quality models. International Journal of Sediment Research
4. Gerwing, T.G., Allen Gerwing, A.M., Cox, K.D., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2017. Relationship between apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD) depth and environmental variables in soft-sediment habitats. International Journal of Sediment Research
3. Gerwing, T.G., Allen Gerwing, A.M., MacDonald, T., Cox, K.D., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. 2017. Intertidal soft-sediment community does not respond to disturbance as postulated by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Journal of Sea Research. 129: 22-28
2. Gerwing, T.G., and Cox, K.D. 2017. Erosion of Trust in Government Consultation will Impede the Creation of Environmental Policy. Marine Policy. 83: 126-127.
1. Reimchen T.E and Cox, K.D. 2016. Differential temperature preferences of vertebral phenotypes in Gasterosteus. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 94: 1–5
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Looby, A., Murchy, K.A., Juanes, F., and Côté, I.M. In Review. Habitat-Mediate Soundscape Conservation in Marine Ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Millard-Martin, B., Black, M., Hessing-Lewis, M., Smith, F.S., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. In Review. Ancient and Contemporary Shellfish Cultivation Practices Bolster Bivalve Communities and Diversity-Biomass Relationships. People and Nature.
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Millard-Martin, B., Black, M., Hessing-Lewis, M., Smith, F.S., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Submitted. Ancestral and Contemporary Intertidal Mariculture Structures Marine Biodiversity. Nature Communications
Editorial Review Publications
Attridge, M.C., Cox, K.D., Maher, B., Gross, S., Lim, G.E., Kattler, R.K., and Côté, I.M. 2024. Studying Kelp Forests of Today to Forecast Ecosystems of the Future. Fisheries. 49(4): 181-187.
Spriel, B., Davies, H., Looby, A., Shafer, H., Vela, S., Juanes, F., and Cox, K.D. 2024. Fish Sounds as an Effective Tool in Marine Science Communication. Fisheries. 49(1): 28-34.
Cox, K.D., Looby, A., Vela, S., Riera, A., Bravo, S., Davies, H.L., Rountree, R., Spriel, B., Reynolds, L.K., Martin, C.W., Matwin, S. and Juanes, F. 2023. FishSounds Version 1.1: Data Archive, User Experience, and Online Resources. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 1-12.
Looby, A., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Riera, A., Vela, S., Davies, H.L., Reynolds, L.K., and Martin, C.W. 2023. Fish Sound Production Research: Historical Practices and Ongoing Challenges. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 1-20.
Covernton, G.A., Cox, K.D., Fleming, W.L., Buirs, B.M., Davies, H.L., Juanes, F., Dudas, S.E. and Dower, J.F., 2022. Do larger microplastics biomagnify in the digestive tracts of coastal marine animals? The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. BES22001
Holmes, K., Cox, K.D., Cline, A., Hatch, M., Black, M., Salomon, A., Lepofsky. D., Nicole, S., and Dudas, S.E.2020. Ancient Ecology: The Quadra Island Clam Gardens. Fisheries. 45: 151-156.
Murchy, K.A., Davies, H., Shafer, H., Cox, K., Nikolich, K., Juanes, J. 2019. Impacts of Noise on the Behavior and Physiology of Marine Invertebrates: A Meta-Analysis. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 37: 040002
Cox, K.D., 2017. The Unique Ecology of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. Fisheries. 42(10): 519-525.
Chalifour, L., Black, M., Cox, K.D., Schroeder, S., Juanes, F. 2017. Review of "Ecology of Salmonids in Estuaries around the World: Adaptations, Habitats, and Conservation" by Colin D. Levings. Fish and Fisheries. 18: 790-791.
Cox, K.D. and Bright, J. 2017. Raja Ampat: A Biodiversity Hot Spot and the Future of Marine Conservation. Fisheries. 42(9): 462-467.
Cox, D.K., Brennan, L., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2016. Assessing the effect of aquatic noise on fish behavior and physiology: a meta-analysis approach. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 27: 010024.fisheries_cover_kelp_forests_2024.pdf
Sopinka, N. and Cox, K.D. 2016. Back Page Photo Series: Boundaries. Fisheries. 41: 659-660.
Journal Cover Photos
Attridge, M.C., Cox, K.D., Maher, B., Gross, S., Lim, G.E., Kattler, R.K., and Côté, M.I. 2024. Fisheries. Journal Cover. 49(4).
Cox, K.D., 2018. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 10 Year Anniversary Journal Cover. 10 (4).
Cox, K.D., 2018. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 10 Year Anniversary Journal Cover. 10 (1).
Cox, K.D., 2018. Fisheries. Journal Cover. 43 (2).fisheries_-_2024_-__-_fisheries_volume_49_number_4_april_2024.jpg
Cox, K.D. and Bright, J. 2017. Fisheries. Journal Cover. 42 (9).
Data Repositories
Looby, A., Riera, A., Vela, S., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Reynolds, K.L., and Martin, W.C. 2021. FishSounds Website Data Repository. Dataverse.
Cox, K.D., Woods, M.B., and Reimchen, E.T., 2021. Coral species richness, coral hue, and reef fish richness across 74 ecoregions within four oceanic basins. Figshare.
Looby, A., Riera, A., Vela, S., Cox, K.D., Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Reynolds, K.L., and Martin, W.C. 2021. FishSounds.
Technical Reports
Cox, K.D., 2021. Ecological Marine Ecosystem Services Report. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 24 pp.
Collicutt, B., Covernton, G., Cox, K.D., Holden, J., Dudas, S.E. 2016. British Columbia Shellfish Aquaculture and Ecosystem Services: A Review. 59 pp.
Cox, K.D., Mohns, K., Dudas, S.E. 2015. Intertidal Biodiversity Annual Report. Hakai Institute & Ecological Interaction Research Program. 86 pp.
Invited Seminars
Cox, K.D. Digging for Insight: The Ecology of Walled Beaches. Ha-ma-yas Stewardship Guardian Gathering, Quadra Island, May 16, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Sound Marine Management: Integrating Marine Bioacoustics into Habitat Protection, Spatial Planning, and Policy. Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, March 30, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Unravelling Ocean Noise: Fish Sounds, Noise Pollution, and Managing Soundscapes. Kamloops Naturalist Club. Kamloops, British Columbia, March 10, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Sound Management: Integrating Bioacoustics into the Conservation of Canada’s Aquatic Ecosystems. Delta Nature Society. Vancouver, British Columbia, March 7, 2023.
Cox, K.D. Integrating Bioacoustics into the Conservation of Canada’s Aquatic Ecosystems. Nature Vancouver. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 14, 2022.
Cox, K.D. Unravelling Ocean Noise: Insights into Fish Sounds, Noise Pollution, and Managing Soundscapes. Simon Fraser University, Les Écologistes. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 7, 2022.
Cox, K.D*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Intertidal Resource Cultivation over Millennia Structures Coastal Biodiversity. University of Victoria, Department of Biology Seminar Series, December 10, 2021
Cox, K.D*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Coastal Shellfish: Cultivation, Marine Subsidies, and Implications for Nearshore Biodiversity. Simon Fraser University, Les Écologistes. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 16, 2020.
Cox, K.D.*, Covernton, G., Davies, H.L., Dower, J., Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Human Consumption of Microplastics. NOAA Science Seminar Series. September 19, 2019.
Cox, K.D. Integrating 3D Habitat Models into Marine Ecosystem Assessments. Smithsonian Marine Station, Seminar Series. Fort Pierce, Florida, November 13, 2018.
Conference Presentations
Cox, K.D., Davies, H., Looby, A, Attridge, C., Bickell, A., Rice, A., Murchy, K.A., Mouy, X., Juanes, F., and Côté, I.M 2023. Marine habitats conserve ocean soundscapes through the attenuation of noise pollution. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. Penang, Malaysia, July 2-6, 2023
Mouy, X., Black, M., Cox, K., Qualley, J., Dosso, S. and Juanes, F., 2022. Comparison of three portable volumetric arrays to localize and identify fish sounds in the wild. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. Denver, Colorado, May 22-27, 2022
Looby, A.*, Cox, K.D., Gonzalez Bravo, S., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Martin, C.W., Reynolds, L.K. The Ecological Importance and Remote Sensing Applications of Fish Sounds. North Florida Marine Science Symposium, St. Augustine, FL. January 24, 2020.
Looby, A.*, Cox, K.D., Rountree, R., Juanes, F., Martin, C.W., Reynolds, L.K. A global review of tested and reported sound production in fishes. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference, Mobile, AL. November 4, 2019.
Mouy, X.*, Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S. Identifying fish sounds of British Columbia with an autonomous audio and video array. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. San Diego, California, 2–6 December 2019.
Mouy, X.*, Black, M., Cox, K.D., Qualley, J., Juanes, F., and Dosso, S. Identifying fish sounds of British Columbia with an autonomous audio and video array. Acoustical Society of America. PICES Annual Meeting. Victoria, British Columbia, October 16-27, 2019.
Murchy, K.*, Davies, H., Shafer, H., Cox, K.D., Nikolich, K., and Juanes, F. Impacts of Noise on The Behavior and Physiology of Marine Invertebrates: A Meta-Analysis. The International Conferences on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Den Haag, The Netherlands, July 7-12, 2019.
Cox, K.D.*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. Community Assessment Techniques and Implications for Diversity Indices and Species Accumulation Curves. Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution Meeting 2017. Victoria, British Columbia. May 7 - 11, 2017.
Cox, K.D., Brennan, L., and Juanes, F.* The Effects of Anthropogenic and Biological Noise on Fish Behaviour and Physiology: a meta-analysis. Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution Meeting 2017. Victoria, British Columbia. May 7 - 11, 2017.
MacLennan, E.*, Cox, K.D., Brittain, S., Nameth, B., and Juanes, F. Assessing the Behavioural Response of the Plainfin Midshipman to Anthropogenic Noise, and its Dependence on Habitat Complexity. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, British Columbia, February 24-26, 2017.
Cox, K.D.*, Juanes, F., and Dudas, S.E. A Comparison of Substrate Ecosystem Assessment Techniques and the Implications from Commonly Used Biodiversity Metrics. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, British Columbia, February 24-26, 2017.
Cox, K.D., Brennan, L., MacLennan, E., Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F.* Assessing the effect of marine noise on fish behaviour and physiology: a case study and meta-analysis approach. The International Conferences on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin, Ireland, July 10-16, 2016.
Cox, K.D.*, Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. Assessing the effects of contemporary and traditional shellfish aquaculture on marine biodiversity. The Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13-15th, 2016.
Cox, K.D.*, Dudas, S.E., and Juanes, F. 2016. The effects of shellfish aquaculture and First Nations clam gardens on species diversity and abundance. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, British Columbia, February 24-26, 2016. *Presenting Author
*Presenting Author